Patcher * Patching Programs
The Patcher is a universal tool to modify files or disks. It was the prefered
tool for WHDLoad installations to create files or disk images from the
original disks with a very own disk format in earlier releases of the
WHDLoad package. The prefered tool for this task is RawDIC now. To learn more about the Patcher you
should read its documentation, which can be found
in the patcher archive provided with earlier WHDLoad releases.
Patcher needs ruby.8 font! You can find this font on your original
Workbench disks. If the font is not available the Patcher simply will not
- easy choice of source drive
- diskroutine cannot fail due too fast cpu
- works on escom-amigas with diskdrive-hardware'feature'
- multitasks while reading (it is even possible to install 2 games at the same
time if you own 2 disk drives)
- can display the track while reading (useful for bug reports) and imaging
problems (read error, disk full etc)
- can be debugged with a normal debugger
- initial ~6-8 h needed to get into it as programmer
- maybe bigger memory usage of ~1 MB, depending on the disk image (but for
people with fewer than 2 MB RAM hdinstalls arent that useful either)